Master Key Systems offer convenience to property owners and managers. Whether it’s a duplex, multi-unit complex, office building, or enterprise, master key systems provide the convenience of controlling access where necessary while giving complete access at the top. Along with this convenience is a reduction in the security of the system.
Anytime your locks are combinated to accept more than one key to operate them, such as a Master Key and your tenant’s key, the door is open to potentially hundreds of keys that will operate the same lock. Now that you’ve gone to great lengths (and expense) to carefully make and control your keys, ensuring they only go to the right people, you find they’ve been copied for friends and family.
If your brand new Master Key system uses a very common Schlage, or Kwikset type of key each key-holder can easily have multiple copies of your system’s keys made at just about any hardware store, home center, or even a kiosk in the mall. Even if your keys are stamped Do Not Duplicate… they will be duplicated. You’ve already traded some lock security for the convenience of a Master Key System, and now key duplication reduces your security even more.
Restricted keys are the simplest and most cost-effective way to ensure that your system keys are never duplicated unless authorized. Restricted keys, like the MX1 exclusive to Sparrow Lock & Key, are uniquely milled, serialized, and factory-controlled so that no one but the authorized dealer (that’s us) can duplicate them. There is no chance that your tenants, staff, or employees will introduce copies of your keys to the public.
Restricted keys are always coupled with key cylinders cut to accept only the restricted key, making the locks in your system even more secure. As with all things in life, there is some added cost for the Restricted Keys/lock cylinders, which must offset the potential cost of a compromised Master Key system and the security reduction it represents.
Master Key Systems trade a little security for the convenience of access control. Restricted Keys help to restore that security. For more information about our MX1 Restricted Key System call or text Sparrow Lock & Key at (508) 632-3223.